Who we are
我々の強みは、日本国内はもちろん、海外のトップランナーたち — ウクライナやアルゼンチン、アメリカやカナダで超大規模に遺伝子組み換え作物を栽培する農家、ドバイの最新の植物工場マネジャー、有機嗜好の強い欧州で営農する農家たち、ガーナの農家でありながら種子メーカーも所有する女性経営者など多様なメンバー — にダイレクトに繋がっていることです。

The Japan Biotech Crop Network (JBCN) is an organization born out of the voices of farmers who want to practice truly sustainable agriculture in Japan. Not only professional farmers in Japan but also top professional farmers overseas, as well as stakeholders such as researchers, journalists, manufacturers, logistics, and retailers, bring together their respective knowledge and exchanges, focusing on the latest agriculture such as biotechnology and no-tillage. We aim to serve as a platform for practical discussions on how land-based agriculture should be in Japan and worldwide. Please join us to build the organization to our big achievement.
Our Mission

Our goal is to cultivate and distribute biotechnology crops (genetically modified crops, genome-edited crops, etc.) in Japan to contribute to the stable supply of food and feed in Japan. In addition, we will reduce the burden on the environment caused by agriculture and realize sustainable agriculture. The performance of agriculture is greatly influenced by the politics and policies of the country. However, politics and policies tend to lean toward what sounds popular with the public, with little regard for the needs of the field or long-term perspectives. This is populist politics. As farmers, we will discuss what is really needed to establish a stable supply of food and feed and highly sustainable agriculture, and we will take action to communicate this to the government.
Our Members
理事会 | Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of JBCN is composed of the President, Vice-President, Director(s), and Auditor. All final decisions are made by them. Both the President and the vice-Presidents are farmers.
アドバイザー | Advisory Members
Various professionals join JBCN from the whole world. (Arranged in alphabetical order)