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From Canada 🇨🇦
Cherilyn Jolly-Nagel is a farmer and global advocate for agriculture. She farms with her husband and two daughters in southern Saskatchewan where they grow durum wheat, chickpeas, barley, canola, and lentils on 6000ha of their farm. In addition to being a farmer herself, Cherilyn talks to farmers from around the globe in a variety of capacities. For example, as the Host for Farm Show TV, Cherilyn interviews and showcases some of Canada’s best and brightest individuals and companies while highlighting topics of interest to the agriculture industry. She was also chosen as a mentor by the Mattel Toy company on the launch of their new Farmer Barbie: You Can Do Anything watch it on YouTube.
Cherilyn was named one of Canada’s Top 50 Most Influential People in Agriculture in 2021 and one of “Saskatchewan’s Most Influential Women” by SaskBusiness Magazine. She proudly represents Canada on the Global Farmer Network Board and served as President and board member of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association from 2004-2022. Cherilyn is an energetic communicator and has stepped in front of hundreds of audiences that include crowds of farmers, curious consumers to anyone who enjoys a good story about the food they eat! You can learn more about her on her website
CherilynはFarm Show TVの司会者として、カナダで最も優れた優秀な個人や企業にインタビューし、農業界に関心のあるトピックを中心に発信しています。Mattel Toy社の新しいFarmer Barbie: You Can Be AnythingをYouTube で公開する際のメンターに選ばれました。2021年には、農業で最も影響力のあるカナダのトップ50人の1人に選ばれ、SaskBusiness Magazineによって「サスカチュワン州で最も影響力のある女性」の1人に選ばれました。グローバル ファーマーネットワークのカナダ代表、2004 年から2022年まで西カナダ小麦生産者協会の会長兼委員も務めました。Cherilynは何百人もの聴衆の前に立つことを喜びとするエネルギッシュなコミュニケーターです。
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