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From Uruguay 🇺🇾
I’m a: “Farmer with no Farm” as I lease 100% of the land I’m planting in. That’s not uncommon here in Uruguay. Been involved with No-Till since the early beginning as my Father was one of the founders of the National NO-TILL Association (AUSID). So, all my ag experience was inside that ag practice. Farms here in Uruguay have mid-quality soils, with a lot of clay, and a small profile with some struggles to hold water. It rains 1200-1300 mm per year but is poorly distributed. We have no snow in winter so we can double crop a winter crop with a summer crop (for example wheat/soybean. Or barley/corn). The fertility of the soil is low and the terrain is gently rolling. The size of the average farm in my area (southwest) is around 500 hectares.
Date of birth: December 12, 1973, in Montevideo, Uruguay. Lived from 1974 to 2016 in Mercedes, Soriano, Uruguay (southwest) From then until today in Tacuarembó, Uruguay (north) Married Macarena Izmendi Alfaro.
3rd Generation Farmer starting in 1998 with my family and in 2010 on my own. Rural agricultural and livestock producers in the departments of Soriano, Flores, Río Negro, and Colonia. 2800 hectares in agriculture (rotation of wheat, barley, oats, canola, soybean, corn, and forage crops) and 700 head of cattle. Part of the agriculture is done in partnerships with other farmers. Related since its foundation with the Uruguayan NO TILL association (AUSID). Organizer of the FARM TOUR USA trip with the Asociación Agropecuaria de Dolores since 2017.
Co-owner of a Farm in Illinois. Member of the Global Farmer Network, a global network that brings together farmers from all over the world. I have participated in FAO meetings in Rome and the World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa on behalf of this institution. Member of: Farmers who SUSTAIN part of Bayer International.
Private importer of agricultural machinery and spraying technology from the USA. Co-founder of “Farm Value”, a company dedicated to promoting investments in the USA, mainly in the agricultural sector. Co-founder of a National program for measuring C in agriculture to participate in the Volunteer Carbon Markets. Consultant for radio media such as “En Perspectiva”, “Tiempo de Cambio”, “Valor Agregado”, “Dinámica Rural”, “Punto de equilibrio” and writings such as Diario El País, Diario El Observador, and Anuario Perspectivas Agropecuarias. Co-owner of “Hospital Veterinario del Norte”, a vet hospital for small animals in the city of Tacuarembó.
1973年12月12日、ウルグアイのモンテビデオ生まれ。1974年から2016年までウルグアイのソリアーノ県メルセデス市(南西部)に居住 以降今日までウルグアイのタクアレンボ市(北部)に居住 マカレナ・イズメンディ・アルファロと結婚。
2017年からAsociación Agropecuaria de DoloresとFARM TOUR USAの旅の主催者も務めています。また、イリノイ州の農場の共同経営者でもあります。
Global Farmer Networkのメンバーであり、この機関を代表して、ローマのFAOの会合やアイオワ州デモインの世界食糧賞に参加したことがあります。