English follows Japanese.
日本には多くの農業関連の団体があります。その多くが、日本人の関係者だけで集い議論する場所で、その事に多くの農家は慣れてしまっています。 しかし現代の日進月歩のグローバル社会での日本農業の強みや持続性を議論するためには、世界の農家のリアルな声を聞き、世界の状況に対する正しい理解が欠かせません。
日本の消費者は、バイオテクノロジー農業の多大な恩恵を受けているにも関わらず、多くの方がネガティブなイメージを抱いてます。 油や調味料、シロップの原料、また家畜の飼料トウモロコシなど、そのほとんどはGM作物です。日本に輸入されるGMダイズおよびGMトウモロコシにより、1兆8000億~4兆4000億円のGDPが生み出されていると言われています※。環境への貢献度も高く、今後は日本にとってもバイオテクノロジー農業は欠かせないものとなるでしょう。※出典: バイテク情報普及会
そしてJBCNは、我々農家だけでなく、流通、メーカー、政治、学会、消費者、あらゆるステークホルダーに、本当の現場の声、事実を知ってもらい、そのうえでそれぞれの選択肢が持てる世界を作っていきたいと考えています。 食や環境に携わるすべての人に、このネットワークに活動に興味を持っていただき、参画して頂きたいと思います。
理事長 徳本修一
My name is Tokumoto, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
There are many agriculture-related organizations in Japan. However, most of them are places where only Japanese people gather and discuss. Many Japanese farmers have become accustomed to this.
In today’s ever-evolving global society, in order to discuss the strength and sustainability of Japanese agriculture, we believe that listening to the real voices of farmers around the world and correctly understanding the global situation are essential elements for objective and effective discussions. In particular, the development of biotechnological agriculture in the world is remarkable, and both environmental conservation and productivity have been established as production technologies at a high level and continue to evolve.
In our field of land-use agriculture, that is, the production of grains and feeds, we believe that biotechnology will become one of the keywords in the future, but it has hardly been discussed in Japan until now.
Biotechnology has the impact to change everything from breeding, tillage, fertilization, weed control, pest management, and yield ……. The common theme of agriculture in the world is how to reduce the environmental burden and increase productivity with fewer resources.
Japanese agriculture is going through a transitional period. Professional farmers must now verbalize and communicate their needs and have an influence on society and politics. I am confident that the start of JBCN will be a breakthrough in the current harsh agricultural environment and will shine a light on the future of Japanese agriculture for the next 50 to 100 years.
Now, to all the farmers who are struggling in the field, let’s take action together.
Thank you very much. — Shuich