Member > Advisory Members

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From Japan 🇯🇵
Dr. Hideaki Karaki is a distinguished toxicologist and pharmacologist who has had a profound effect on the fields of toxicology and pharmacology. He has made significant contributions to the body of knowledge of calcium-related signal transduction, especially in smooth muscle. His research into natural toxins isolated from marine creatures and the systematic examination of the pharmacology and toxicology of these compounds has brought wide-reaching benefits to the risk assessment of seafood poisoning worldwide. He was elected chairman of the Japanese Society of Toxicology in 1998 and has made a notable contribution to society. He took a leading role in developing the CertiŽ ed Toxicologist program, the first of its kind in Asia, and contributed to the harmonization of this program with other such programs in toxicological societies in the United States and Europe. He has also served on many scientific advisory committees, including the Asian Society of Toxicology, the Japanese Pharmacological Society, the Japanese Society of Veterinary Medical Science, and the Japanese Society of Smooth Muscle Research. He is also a member of the Science Council of Japan and is involved in government scientific committees for pharmacology, toxicology, and veterinary science.