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From The Netherlands 🇳🇱
Judith de Vor from The Netherlands has, together with her husband and 3 kids, a dairy farm; called the Elihoeve. They are the fifth generation on this farm. She lives in the center part of The Netherlands and they farm in an urban area. At this moment they are milking 110 dairy cows, with 35 young cows and have about 90 acres peat grassland with some corn for feed. The Elihoeve is a modern, sustainable and regenerative farm. Judith is a passionate farmer, she farms with much attention for animal welfare and the environment. Different kind of projects have been running at the farm for increasing nature; protecting endangered bird species, biodiversity (butterflies, bees etc) and decreasing nitrogen. They produce their own power by using solar panels.
Besides working on the farm, Judith is a global agricultural advocate, at her farm and at all kind of events all over the world. The goal in life for Judith is to give farmers a better voice in debates and building bridges. Between farmers, between farmers and people form the city and between farmers and organizations and policy makers. Every year thousands of people visit the farm.
Judith gets a lot of energy and encouragement to further develop the farm and provide added value to society. As a social innovator for famers she in working on better support and understanding to mentor farmers in terms of leadership, encouragement and mental health. She serves an an ambassador for the Dutch farm landscape and ambassador for the Dutch National TeamAgroNL; their goal is giving positive stories about Dutch agriculture and food. She is also an active member of the international Global Farmer Network and is rewarded with an international Nuffield farming scholarship. She writes columns as well, does a lot of interviews for international magazines and is a welcome guest at all kinds of events as a speaker, panellist et cetera.
Judith de Vorは、夫と3人の子どもたちと共にElihoeveと呼ばれる、現代的で持続可能なスタイルの酪農場を経営しています。 彼らはこの農場の5代目です。彼女はオランダの中心部に住んでいて、彼らは都市部で農業を営んでいます。 現在、110頭の乳牛と35頭の若い乳牛の搾乳を行っており、約36ヘクタールの泥炭草地と飼料用のトウモロコシを栽培しています。ジュディスは情熱的な農家で、動物福祉と環境に配慮した農業経営が特徴で、さまざまなプロジェクト — 絶滅の危機に瀕している鳥類、生物多様性(蝶、ミツバチなど)の保護、ソーラーパネルを使った自家発電 — に取り組んでいます。
彼女は農場をさらに発展させ、社会に付加価値を提供するために、多くのエネルギーを注いでいます。農家の社会的イノベーターとして、リーダーシップ、支援、メンタルヘルスの観点を大切にし、農家を指導に取り組んでいます。 彼女はオランダの農場景観の大使およびオランダ代表チームAgroNLの大使を務め、またグローバル ファーマー ネットワークの積極的なメンバーであり、国際的なNuffield農業奨学金を授与されています。 彼女はコラムの執筆、国際的な雑誌で多くのインタビュー、さまざまな種類のイベントにスピーカー、パネリストとして登壇するなど、農業の発信に尽力しています。