Member > Advisory Members

(c)Global Farmer Network
From Germany 🇩🇪
He was born into a farming family of over 10 generations. He manages the pig farm (3000 feeder pigs) and 150 ha of winter wheat, winter barley, corn, and canola with his family. He has hosted consumers, farmers, and politicians on his farm as well as shared at conferences. He co-founded Frag den Landwirt (Ask the farmer) and AgChat Germany and helps connect other farmers across Germany to get more voices heard. He also co-founded the World AgVocate Meeting which brought together dozens across Europe and North America.
Owner and CEO of Holtkötter Agrar
- 150ha Crop farming
- 3000 fattening places for Pigs
- Hay and straw trade
Member of:
- Global Farmer Network
- DLG (German Agricultural Society)
- DBV/ WLV (German Farmers’ Union)
For the WLV (that’s the Westfalian Farmers Union)
- until 2022 State Association Committee of the WLV
- until 2022 member of the board WLV Steinfurt
- until 2022 Chairman of the public relations working group from WLV Steinfurt
- AgChat Germany, Founder
- Frag den Landwirt (Ask the Farmer Germany), Founder
- married and 3 kids
ドイツ アルテンベルゲ在住。Holtkötter Agrar CEO。150haの作物栽培、3000頭の肥育牛牧場、飼料(ヘイ、ストロー)貿易を営む。
AgChat、Frag den Landwirtの創業者でもある。