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From the Argentine Republic 🇦🇷
Pilu is the 5th generation farmer in her family, in Santa Fe province, Argentina. Mother of Manuel (28) and Felipe (27). She is an Agronomy Engineer, farmer, and consultant, with a Post Degree in Senior Management in Agribusiness and Food.
As the daughter of one of the pioneers and as Honorary President of Aapresid, the Argentine NoTill Farmers Association carries the legacy of commitment to the production linked to environmental care and social development along with institutional participation in her DNA.
Participates and is a member of different institutions and initiatives in the country and globally, promoting the Argentine leadership and advocacy of sustainable production systems and the power of the AgriBioIndustry to meet not only current but also future demands.Promotes the role and voice of the farmers at the highest level of the local, regional, and global discussion. She is involved in communication and in a weekly radio program to bring the “farm” close to the whole society.
Also linked to the country’s NGOs that work to prevent Child Malnutrition and Food Waste.
She received the 10th Kleckner Award recognizing “The voice of producers in world agriculture” given by the Global Farmer Network and CropLife International during the 2016 Borlaug Dialogue -World Food Prize – Iowa USA.
From June 2016 to March 2018 she had her first experience in the Government as a Coordinator of Policies for Sustainable Development in the Ministry of Agribusiness of the Nation, Argentina.
In 2018 founded with other colleagues, the Rural Women Network was inspired by the W20 discussion during the G20 Argentine Presidency.
2016年にBorlaug Dialogue(世界食糧賞)米国アイオワ大会において、Global Farmer Network®とCropLife Internationalが授与する「世界の農業における生産者の声」を評価する第10回Kleckner(クレックナー)賞を受賞。同年6月から2018年3月まで、持続可能な開発のための政策コーディネーターとして、アルゼンチン政府で最初の職務を経験。2018年「農村女性ネットワーク」を共同設立。