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(English follows Japanese)
From Japan 🇯🇵
現在は科学ジャーナリストとして、ウエッジオンラインや「国際環境経済研究所」のコラムなどに寄稿。個人ブログ記事「FOOD NEWS ONLINE」でも記事を発信中。著書に「メディア・バイアスの正体を明かす」「誤解だらけの遺伝子組み換え作物」など多数。
Born in Inuyama-shi, Aichi Pref in 1951.
He joined The Mainichi Shimbun after graduating from Aichi Prefectural University. After working in the Matsumoto bureau, moved to HQ in Tokyo, where he was in charge of food safety, health and medical care, and environmental issues. Retired from Mainichi Shimbun in June 2018.
Part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of Science from 2000 to 2020. Representative of the Society of Food Journalists from 2015 to 2020. Co-chairman of the “Food Safety Information Network,” a volunteer group that checks for biased articles.
Currently, he contributes to Wedge Online and the columns of “The International Institute for Environmental Economics” as a science journalist. Also, he publishes articles on his personal blog post “FOOD NEWS ONLINE“.