On behalf of the farmers of the Global Farmer Network®, we congratulate the Japan Biotech Crop Network (JBCN) as you begin the important work that brings awareness of the innovative agricultural technologies that are working to bring stability and growth to the world’s food supply while supporting and protecting the environment.
We believe that agriculture is part of the solution to the main challenges faced by humanity now and into the future. The farmers of the GFN® embrace technology and the application of science within agriculture for the benefit of society, understanding the value it brings to meeting the challenge of food security driven by the growing population and climate change.
We look forward to working in collaboration with JBCN and aligned partners, through knowledge transfer, to provide the practical expertise and perspective needed to foster constructive dialogue, inform science-based policies, dispel the myths surrounding modern agriculture, and bring a sense of reality to policies created a long way from the field in an ever-increasing virtual world.
Together, we will build connections with farmers across the world to provide confident, informed understanding, heightening awareness in Japan and globally of how farmers are working to meet global human demands to do more with less and the essential role agricultural technology plays in addressing hunger, ensuring healthy diets and livelihoods, and protecting the environment.
Together, we will amplify the farmers’ voice in promoting trade, technology, sustainable farming, economic growth, and food security in support of your mission – a shared mission -that ensures a stable supply of food and feed in Japan….and across the globe.
日本バイオ作物ネットワーク(JBCN)が環境を支援・保護しつつ、世界の食糧供給に安定と成長をもたらす革新的な農業技術について日本国内において認知度を高めるための重要なイニシアチブを開始されたことを、グローバル・ファーマー・ネットワーク®(Global Farmer Network®、以下GFN®)を代表してお祝いの言葉を述べたいと思います。
農業が、現在そして将来にわたり、人類が直面する重要な課題の解決策の一つであると私たちは信じます。 GFN®に参加する農家は、農業におけるテクノロジーと科学の重要性、それを実際の農業に応用することが人口増加と気候変動によって生じる食糧安全保障問題の解決につながることを理解しています。
Mary Boote
Chief Executive Officer, Global Farmer Network®
Mary Boote serves as Chief Executive Officer of the Global Farmer Network. Raised on a Northwest Iowa family farm. She had the privilege of serving as agriculture adviser to Iowa Governor Terry E. Branstad from 1997-1999. Global Industry’s Top 100 Visionaries and Leaders in Biotechnology by Scientific American Worldview in 2015.
Mary Booteは、Global Farmer Networkの最高経営責任者を務めています。 アイオワ州北西部の家族経営の農場で育った 彼女は、1997年から1999年まで、アイオワ州知事のテリー E. ブランスタッドの農業顧問を、2015年のScientific American Worldviewによる、グローバル インダストリーのトップ 100 ビジョナリーおよびバイオテクノロジーのリーダーを務めてきた、世界農業界のリーダーの一人です。