Member > Advisory Members

From the United Kingdom 🇬🇧
I am a third-generation tenant farmer renting 400ha in the north of England. We have 250ha of arable land growing wheat, oilseed rape, beans, and barley, the rest is grassland. Most of the grass is permanent and managed environmentally by our herd of suckler cows through the summer grazing period. We have a total herd size of 560 heads. The manures are a key part of our sustainable crop production and we carry out Conservation Agriculture practices through direct drilling of our various crops. My key driver has always been making sense of sustainability for the benefit of the next generation.
Outside roles
- the chairman of the EU farmers organization COPA-COGECA’s, Cereals, Oilseeds & Protein Group
- Past Vice President of the National Farmers Union (NFU) – the largest farmers’ representative group in England & Wales
- Past Chairman of the Agricultural & Horticulture Development Board’s (AHDB) Cereals & Oilseeds Board – levy organization for the UK
- Advisory Board for the think tank Science for Sustainable Agriculture
- Board member of the Global Farmer Network
Other relevant information
I took part in the UK Government Field Scale Evaluation trials for GM crops for three years. Following that experience, I set up a group of EU farmers with a scientific interest in GM crops and have traveled globally, as a result, to see the application of new breeding techniques in the field and speak on platforms. The farm won the Farmers Weekly (the largest UK weekly farming paper) Mixed farm of the year award in 2021.
私はイングランド北部に400haを借りている3代目の農家です。250ヘクタールの農地で小麦、ナタネ、豆、大麦を栽培し、面積には牧草地も含まれます。また560頭の牛も飼育しています。当農場は、2021年にFarmers Weekly(英国最大の週刊農業紙)のMixed farm of the year賞を受賞しました。
社外では、EUの農民組織COPA-COGECAの穀物・油糧種子・蛋白質グループの議長、イングランド・ウェールズ最大の農民代表団体である全米農民組合(NFU)の元副会長、農業園芸開発局(AHDB)の穀物・油糧種子委員会(英国の賦課金組織)の元会長。現在、シンクタンク「Science for Sustainable Agriculture」のアドバイザリーボードに就任しています。グローバル・ファーマー・ネットワークの理事も務めています。