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From Japan 🇯🇵
東京大学大学院博士課程1976年修了、博士号取得。日本モンサント社に同年入社、2002年に同社社長に就任。遺伝子組み換え作物の規制及び理解促進に取り組む。2017年に退社し、同年、株式会社アグリシーズを設立、一貫して GM 作物の規制と普及に取り組む。夢は、日本の農地で遺伝子組み換え作物が栽培されるのを見ること。著書に「もしもがんを予防できる野菜があったら」(幻冬舎)。
Ph.D., from the University of Tokyo in 1976. He joined Monsanto Japan in 1976 and became president of Monsanto Japan in 2002, where he worked in regulatory and public acceptance of GMOs and obtained more than 45 Japanese government approvals of GMOs including stack products. He retired from Monsanto Japan in 2017 and established Agriseeds, Co. Ltd. in the same year, to continue working on regulatory and public acceptance of GMOs. His dream is to see GMOs grown on Japanese farmland. The author of a book titled “If there was a vegetable that could prevent cancer” (Gentosha) discusses GMOs.