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中森農産株式会社 代表取締役。東京農業大学在学中より青果店、飲食店の経営を行う。その後農業研修を経て 27 歳で独立就農。現在、埼玉県加須市を中心に 250haの農地でコメ、麦、大豆、トウモロコシを生産。(一社)日本スローフード協会初代代表理事、(一社)国家ビジョン研究会農業食料問題分科会副幹事。
Representative Director of Nakamori Agricultural Products Co.
He has experience managing fruit and vegetable stores and restaurants since he was a student at the Tokyo University of Agriculture. He later became an independent farmer at 27 after completing an agricultural training program. He currently produces rice, wheat, soybeans, and corn on 250 ha of farmland mainly in Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture. The first representative director of the Japan Slow Food Association and vice secretary of the National Vision Study Group’s agriculture and food issues subcommittee.